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»Frieden machen« (Make peace) opens on 19 June 2017 in the Paul-Löbe-Haus

The exhibition of the Federal Agency for Civic Education, which has been curated by the Politikmuseum e.V. association (Politics museum) and designed by Friedrich Forssman, deals with the question of when intervention by external civilian peace workers is useful during political conflicts. It presents the principles, instruments and controversies associated with civilian peace work.

International and local specialists give an account of their personal experiences, and interactive exhibits make the problems faced in the search for a solution to conflict comprehensible.
molitor is responsible for exhibition, exhibit, property and media planning as well as production management.
The exhibition runs from 20th to 30th June at the Paul-Löbe-Haus in Berlin. Please register at www.bundestag.de/parlamentarische_ausstellung. Following this, it will be presented nationwide in schools.

Photographic material: © Stefan Matlik and Bundeszentrale für politische

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